Tuesday, July 30, 2002

Hot In The City

The summer heat wave has officially descended upon
London and it is literally hot in the city. The
temperature has surged to a scorching thirty three
degrees and the ladies have invaded the city parks in
droves. And for the average London male, it is a feeding frenzy.

I just recently moved into my very own celebrity-style
home here in north London. Well, I exaggerate. It
isn't exactly loft living but it is definitely a step
up from the grimy student halls. Plus, for the very
first time ever, I own a massive double bed. No more
legs hanging over the edges! Coupled with a few
personal touches to the room, it is a bona fide "loveden".

Shifting location from White Hart Lane to Seven
Sisters isn't exactly a mark up improvement. It's
kinda like moving from cell block A to cell block B.
Over the year, I've become well accquainted with the
"shady" element of North London. Guess in order to
survive, you'll have to accquire a competent level of
"street smarts" or "spider sense". A good idea is to
get to know the neighbourhood. Walk around with a huge
grin and a big wave. Either they think that you're
really down with the hood or dismiss you as the block
loony. But you get away with it, so it's all good.

Anyway, I'm off for a little summer excursion to
Europe. Gonna be back on September 10, I actually
wanted to arrive on September 11 but the date was alittle too ominous.
